School Calendar (2025-2026)

Important Dates & Events (April - May)


Integrated curriculum

Learning rooted in the real world

Time of Self-discovery

Providing space to explore and innovate

Incorporating physical, mental, and social aspects of development

Pushing boundaries of what is known

The Philosophy

Their innate potential starts to emerge and their interests begin to form. We recognize and support this time of self-discovery and offer them a nurturing space to explore and innovate, and extend their learning both in scholastic and co-scholastic areas . 

At Dikshant, students learn in a highly integrated way. Learning is experiential and inter-disciplinary, compelling action, reflection and empathy among children.


The syllabus and assessments have been planned according to remodeled structure implemented by CBSE from session 2017-18. The students are evaluated on the basis of their performance in following areas:


The academic year is divided into two terms:

  • First Term: April – September
  • Second Term: October – March

Each term includes two cycles of Periodic Assessments and one Term-End Examination.

Grading and Assessment

  • Assessments are recorded in both marks and grades.
  • Grading follows a nine-point scale.

Assessment Weightage

Term-End Examinations:

    • Conducted twice a year: Half-Yearly Examination in September and Annual Examination in March.
    • All subjects, except English, will have an 80-mark Term-End Examination.
    • English marks will be consolidated for Literature and Language and calculated out of 80.
    • GK, Punjabi, French, and IT will each be assessed out of 30 marks.
    • Students must secure at least 33% marks in both the Half-Yearly and Annual Examinations for each subject.

Periodic Assessments (PA):

    • Worth 20 marks per term for all subjects in Grades IV-VIII.
    • The weightage of each Periodic Test is 10 marks.
    • Students must secure at least 33% marks in the PA for each subject.

Notebook Submission (5 marks):


    • Regularity (2 marks)
    • Assignment Completion (2 marks)
    • Neatness & Upkeep (1 mark)

Subject Enrichment Activities (5 marks):

    • These activities aim to enhance understanding and skills and are evaluated at the term-end.

Question papers will consist of:

  • 15% easy questions
  • 60% average questions
  • 15% difficult questions
  • 10% HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) question

Co-Scholastic Activities

For holistic development of students, co-curricular activities will be carried out in following areas and will be graded term-wise on a 3-point grading scale. (A- Outstanding, B- Very Good, C- Fair)

a. Work Education (Skill Based Activities)
b. Art Education (Visual and Performing Arts)
c. Health and Physical Education (Sports)

Work education skills will be evaluated by class teachers on the basis of different activities spread throughout the year. The performance of students in visual and performing arts will be evaluated by art and music teachers on the basis of activity chosen by the student. These activities will be held in zero period. Health and Physical Education Grades would be marked on the basis of performance in sports activities held in Zero Period/PT period. The aspect of regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork will be the generic criteria for grading.


The students will also be assessed for the discipline which will be based on the factors like attendance, sincerity, behavior, values, tidiness, respectfulness for rules and regulations, attitude towards society, nation and others. Grading on discipline will be done term-wise on a 3-point grading scale (A- Outstanding, B- Very Good, C- Fair)