School Calendar (2025-2026)

Important Dates & Events (April - May)


Connecting with the real world through the prism of academic domains

Kindling Imagination and Thinking

Developing a Sense of Responsibility

Becoming Independent

Nurturing a love of Lifelong Learning

Building Confidence

The Philosophy

Children are now ready for more formal education, and their world expands beyond the self. They are prepared to further explore and expand their horizons. At this stage, they begin to grasp complex concepts and connect with the real world through academic domains like reading, writing, and numbers.

The objective at this stage is to kindle their imagination, build their capacity to think, and make them flexible and self-reliant.


To fully develop students’ capabilities, the school adopts a continuous and comprehensive evaluation system. The entire curriculum is divided into different units, which are assessed on a monthly basis. The learning outcomes that a child is expected to achieve by the end of each month are clearly defined in advance.

Students’ knowledge, understanding, and skills in each topic are evaluated through an ongoing and regular process. Assessment of a student’s learning occurs through consistent teacher-student interactions and activities that take place both inside and outside the classroom.

Various tools used for continuous assessment

Paper and Pencil TestsWritten responses based on individual’s learning of the topic – Can be Objective types, Fill in the blank, True-False, Label a drawing, Matching, Multiple choices, short answer, long answers (wherever applicable) etc
Performance Tasks/ ActivitiesRequire students to perform activities in the classroom based on their learning experience of the topic.
Oral ReportsAssess individual and group performance before, during, and after the topic.Require communication by the student that demonstrates his/her understanding of the concept.
ChecklistsMonitor and record anecdotal information on the basis of daily observations, the response of the child in classroom etc.
Investigative Projects and Class PresentationsRequire students to explore a topic in class and present either in groups or individual
Extended or Unit ProjectsRequire the application of knowledge and skills in the form of practical projects, models, illustrations or drawings, based on the topics covered in class