School Calendar 24-25

Important dates and events

Model Rocketry Workshop at Pushpa Gujral Science City Kaputhala

After attending a 3 day Double Stage Model Rocketry Workshop at Pushpa Gujral Science City (PGSC), Kaputhala from 13th to 15th May 2014, Grade XI students, Mayank, Vivek Walia and Anish Dhiman put their learnings to practical use by conducting a similar MODEL ROCKETRY Workshop in the school premises. They acquainted the students with different parts of a single stage model rocket and told about the basic principle on which these rockets work. Then the participants fabricated double stage rockets and carried out the stability test to find out whether their rocket would have a stable flight. They concluded by finding out how to calculate the height attained by the rocket and finally launching the rockets fabricated by them. It was fascinating to see the launching of Rockets made by them. The students thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and learned many important principles involved in rocket science in an informal but scientific way.