School Calendar (2025-2026)

Important Dates & Events (April - May)

Learning Models

Laptop Classes

New notebooks in form of laptops for students of Dikshant School

We aim at creating a challenging and learning environment for the students, while paving the way for other schools to emulate,” Mitul Dikshit, Chairman, Dikshant International School.

Dikshant International School, Zirakpur, pioneered the concept of One-on-one Laptop in the country. The program was started in the year 2008 with an aim to make education an interactive process and to give right technological exposure to the students and help them become an active participant in their education.

Once a week all subjects are taught through laptops and students are exposed to the digital world of learning… While designing the task for laptop classes, keeping the level (primary/secondary) of students in mind, the teacher can take a pick from a variety of digital offerings like e-books, animations, virtual experiments, tutorials, interactive games, dynamic question banks and online courseware. These activities are further used for assessments for FAs.


Gardner defines intelligence as “the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting” (Gardner & Hatch, 1989). Using biological as well as cultural research, he formulated a list of seven intelligences. The theory states that all seven intelligences are needed to productively function in society. School, therefore, thinks of all intelligences as equally important.
Lessons are planned in a style which engage most or all of the intelligences. By activating a wide assortment of intelligences, deeper understanding of the subject material is facilitated.


Enhancing Critical Thinking – Robotics Simulator Programme

There are many ways children benefit from using an interacting with technology. Basic technical skills, logical critical thinking is necessary for a child to be successful in school. The Robotic Simulator Programme will supply a tool for children from kindergarten till class X to enhance their critical thinking skills. The effect of the simulator is to increase neural plasticity and augment thinking skills will have potentially lifelong effects.


Storytelling is an integrated part of the curriculum in kindergarten and primary section. The idea to place the stories at the heart of learning is to build the imagination and thinking skills in children from early stages.


As per the methodology, the content of the story provides the basis for further explorations of the topic. All the learning outcomes of Mathematics, Science, Language, arts get fully integrated into the curriculum, thus helping to enhance imagination and creativity of children. 


Also, the understanding of the topic is more effective and memorable when the lessons are conveyed through a story. Students get a chance to explore various concepts in the company of their favorite characters – and have fun while doing it!


Philosophy classes have been introduced in association with The Philosophy Foundation, U.K. As explained by Andrew Day, the aim of philosophy class is to develop the ability in children, to go beyond the information given and to engage with text not only in terms of their literal meaning but at an analytical and conceptual level.



Integrated Projects combine academic learning with the development of essential life skills such as organizing, sharing, and collaborating. This approach connects all subjects to a central theme, around which various activities are designed. These activities may include investigations, field visits, experiments, surveys, interviews, awareness campaigns, social initiatives, and more. The concept emphasizes group activities, promotes analytical thinking, and strongly encourages collaborative learning and the development of interpersonal skills.


Student tracking system – This System strategically tracks all aspects of the students which not only cover their academic but also behavioural, emotional and life skills. This helps them choose the right direction and use these skills as a basis for deciding appropriate career. A web-based interface helps in step by step maintenance of data related to scholastic, co-scholastic and co-curricular activities. Year is divided into phases for the implementation of predesigned tasks associated with the system. All minor and major incidents for every student are recorded during normal classroom teaching and different predesigned activities are performed to identify skills processed by a student. Year on year progress and regress of the child is analysed and students are counseled/developed accordingly. Dealing students with consideration of their background, knowledge, interest and even anxieties add a different angle to teacher’s profile and foster the quality of life of students.


Tools of choice for productivity and memory retention. Mind mapping connects pictures with logic and imagination with structure. Works with both sides of the brain to help get the memory tuned.


The aim at the Finishing School is to equip students with skills and  self-confidence to meet the demands of the 21st century. The course covers  soft skills, social etiquette, leadership skills, public speaking, Writing and Communication skills and more.  

The program helps students to navigate with confidence in an inter-culturally diverse environment and social life.