“A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell
At Dikshant, Investiture Ceremony is not just about providing titles, but about conferring responsibilities to the students, to take charge of the school and take it to the height they desire, with their leadership, decision making skills, communication and teamwork.
School’s prefectorial board was officially given the charge after scrutinous interviewing and selection which gave them a feel of functioning of an official administrative body. The selected members of the student council took the oath to faithfully work for the upliftment of the school and coordinate with full dedication and responsibility in organizing events throughout the year. Mr Mitul Dikshit (Chairman Dikshant Group of Schools) congratulated the students and encouraged them to put in their honest efforts for every endeavor and become an inspiration for their juniors. The event concluded with choral singing of School Song with full zeal and pride.