School Calendar (2025-2026)

Important Dates & Events (April - May)

International Programs

International Programs

GLOBE Program

GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-based science and education program. GLOBE vision promotes and supports students, teachers and scientists to collaborate on inquiry-based investigations of the environment and the Earth system working in close partnership with NASA and NSF Earth System Science Projects (ESSPs) in study and research about the dynamics of Earth’s environment.

Model United Nations (New York)

True to the spirit of the United Nations, founded in 1945, MUN strives to foster a constructive forum for high school students for an open dialogue on complex global issues, including international peace and security, global health and disaster relief, transnational terrorism, and economic and social progress. MUN is a four-day United Nations conference that draws over 2500 high school students and faculty advisors to New York discuss these issues. MUN stresses in-depth examination and resolution of pressing issues, emphasising process over product. During the conference, students learn the importance of balancing national interests with the needs of the international community, while also learning about the powers and limitations of international negotiation under a framework where national sovereignty is paramount. Delegates will aim to preserve their countries own national policies while cooperating and negotiating in the face of other, sometimes conflicting international policies.

Seasons & Biomes (University of Fairbanks, Alaska)

A biome is a large geographic area of distinctive plant and animal groups that are adapted specifically for a particular environment. Biome type is determined by the climate and geography of a region. Through the Seasons and Biomes project, students and teachers will have the opportunity to use International Polar Year resources and support to conduct scientific inquiries in their local environments and biomes.
This project will contribute critically needed science measurements to validate satellite data used in research on regional climate change, prevention and management of diseases, and understanding of the water and carbon cycles. By monitoring the seasons in your biome, you will learn how interactions within the Earth system affect your local environment and how it, in turn, affects regional and global environments.

Carbon: The building block of life (University of New Hampshire)

You may have heard this phrase, but have you understood what it really means Carbon is the most abundant element in living things and accounts for approximately 50% of the total mass of plants and animals. Carbon is also present in Earth’s atmosphere, soils, oceans and crust, and cycles between these components on varying time and spatial scales.
The GLOBE Carbon Cycle Project links an international team of scientists and educational outreach specialists with the GLOBE educational community. Through field exercises, computer modelling, and remote sensing, primary and secondary grade level teachers and students will gain knowledge about current carbon cycle research, develop strong analytical skills, and increase their overall environmental awareness.

NASA Cloudsat Education Network

The Cloudsat Education Network consists of approximately 100 schools around the world and other educational organisations that work with Cloudsat scientists by providing data from Earth’s surface to compare with the Cloudsat satellites data. Schools from 12 countries participate (Canada, Thailand, India, New Zealand, Germany, Australia, Estonia, Croatia, United States, Switzerland, Cameroon, and the Dominican Republic). Students communicate with scientists, conduct research with satellite data, learn about other cultures and make genuine scientific contributions to the mission.

Discussions at Harvard University

Constructive forum to open dialogue about complex global issues where students must balance national interests with international requirements while simultaneously learning about the powers and limitations of global negotiations, recognising that the sovereignty of each country should be preserved. This conference is the oldest in the United States and is held at prestigious Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts, led by professors of the institution and distinguished U.S. political and business figures.