School Calendar (2025-2026)

Important Dates & Events (April - May)


5th National Conference on Space & ISRO Exhibition concluded with the holding of a unique ISRO Exhibition at Dikshant Global School, VIP Road, Zirakpur. The Exhibition showcased colourful panels on space science & attractive miniature models of satellites & launch vehicles, among other exhibits.
photo: City air news

Zirakpur, October 26, 2016: The mega event of ‘Space Science’ — the 5th National Conference on Space 2016 (ISRO’S recent landmark missions) & ISRO Exhibition, concluded in a befitting manner with holding of a unique ISRO Exhibition at the VIP Road, Zirakpur campus of Dikshant Global School. Suresh Naik, Former Group Director, ISRO & Chairman International Space Society (ISS) inaugurated the Exhibition. The- two day event was hosted by Dikshant International & Global Schools in Association with ISS and ISRO.

Nearly 3000 students from as many as 40 schools of tricity & the region descended at the venue to know more about outer space & India’s space missions. Sixty colourful panels related to space science were put up. A majority of these included ones which explained in detail about achievements of India in space & enumerated their importance. There were many panels which explained fundamentals of space science & science in general to help young minds grasp the main concepts behind Space science. Questions like – How a satellite works? How it’s put into orbit? Why does ISRO send satellites? etc. Were answered through the panels’ on display.

“The Exhibition aimed at creating awareness about Space Science & Astronomy among school students. The ISRO exhibition certainly provided exposure to students & ignited an interest in them about the fascinating world of space science & technologies.” Said Mitul Dikshit, Chairman, Dikshant Group of Schools.

The centres of attraction were the miniature models of Satellites that have been put into outer space by ISRO. Among these satellites, were those sent for purposes like communications, weather, remote sensing, navigation etc. A model on Mars Orbital Mission was also liked by the visiting school students. Models of the Satellite launch vehicles used by ISRO like Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) & Geo Synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle –GSLV & the latest GSLV Mark III were also exhibited.

“We want young students to develop a scientific thinking & an interest in outer space. Through practical explanations & experiments, we explained them principles of Space Science. The idea was to sustain their curiosity about space science & enhance it at the same time.” Explained B R Guruprasad, PRO, ISRO, who had brought the Exhibition to Tri-City.

A separate room had been earmarked for airing documentaries on space science. Interesting videos on subjects like Mars Orbital Mission, Astrosat — India’s first major space-based Astronomy Satellite, how rockets are launched etc were shown to the young space enthusiasts. The students’ were inspired to delve deeper into the World of outer space through the practical display of scientific principles used in Rocket Science. Experts showcased basic space science concepts by using a ‘Water Rocket’ –a Rocket made from household items & which is propelled by pressurised water.

Akshita Chandan, Class X, Dikshant International School said, “The Exhibition was breathtaking & showcased concepts on Astronomy through interesting posters.” Anmol, Class VIII, Chitkara International School said, “The models of satellites & rockets were really good. The exhibits were explained well by the team from ISRO.” Lovish, Class VI, Dikshant Global School said, “I have learnt a lot about outer space and ISRO from the exhibition. I want to now become an Astronaut”






