School Calendar (2025-2026)

Important Dates & Events (April - May)

Chandigarh Literature Festival-2014

With the aim of putting Chandigarh on the national literary map, the four-day-long Chandigarh Literature Festival-2014 was organized from 30 October to 2 November at the sprawling Chandigarh Club in Sector 1. The third edition of the literary festival had been conceptualized to attract book lovers as well as the who is who of the literary world. The four-day event l featured panel discussions, writing workshops, film screening, book- readings, musical soirees and several other activities. There were many attractions in this season, the first being a special panel discussion on 30 years of Operation Blue Star, a grim reminder of the days of militancy that had robbed Punjab of its well-being. Extracts from 14 books authored by Indian writers were read out and critically analysed at the festival. Like previous years, film screenings were among the most anticipated fixtures this time too; the number of films had been increased from three to four. Noted filmmakers & critics were part of the discussions in this edition.