School Calendar (2025-2026)

Important Dates & Events (April - May)


The festival of Holi was celebrated with students playing with colours on canvas and paper in the Colours of Spring Art Camp with leading artists of the city. The students experimented with handling a brush, stretch paper, paint washes, mix colour, use different media to 
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In January, 2014, a team of experts from AKVM, a leading institute in India, conducted a career counseling session with students of Grade X. On 27th February, 2014 a team from ICS Lucknow, headed by Mrs Nupur Walia, having experience of 18 years in the 
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A seminar on Safe Surfing was conducted by Rakshit Tandon, Consultant, IAMAI in school for students studying in sixth grade onwards 3rd February, 2014. He taught children how to reap the maximum benefits from the internet while not compromising on their safety and security. The 
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[su_slider source=”media: 1010,1007″] Literary Club of school organized a Creative Writing workshop in school on 13th May, 2013. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Anita Rao, commissioning editor for the Young Zubaan, a freelance writer and critic for various newspapers and magazines. It was an 
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A seven days workshop was conducted by cinematographer Karm Chawla, from 4th November to 10th November 2012, where students learnt various aspects of film making starting with script writing and going on to learn casting, finding locations, shooting and editing. Various movies of different countries 
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The festive season of November-2012 produced lot of learning and exposure for students of Dikshant International Scholl VI to IX. A Creative writing workshop was held in school campus on 9-Nov-12, Friday in which 25 students from Grade VI-IX participated. The workshop was lead by 
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Today, we are living in an era of booming technology. Keeping this in view we had started the internet facilities in school campus. The internet is accessible to each and every student and students have learnt to use internet effectively. To teach students the pros 
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To peep into the mysterious world of space, a workshop was conducted by Mr. Suresh Naik, Director, Popular Space Science, Ex. Group Director, ISRO, Chairman, International Space Society, President, National Space Society on Space Exploration in the school on 26th September 2012. Students of Grade 
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As a part of the development programme, a renowned author Mr. Frank Huzur; Author of the famous book Imran Versus Imran, interacted with students on 4th May, 2012. He suggested that students should develop a command over the language and focus on vocabulary. He advised 
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The students who wanted to pursue film making as their career were provided a very useful platform in school. Film making and photography club of school organized a two day Movie Making Workshop in school premises on 7-Feb and 8- Feb-12 for students of Grade 
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