School Calendar (2025-2026)

Important Dates & Events (April - May)

Career Counselling Program


It is crucial that well informed, realistic and timely decisions are made in order to make students future ready. Students and parents are encouraged to make an early beginning to explore and plan for various career options

The program is designed to assist Grade 9 and 10 students with course selection for senior secondary level and Grade 11 and 12 students for consideration of their options after the final year of their study at school.

The objective of the program is to create a cadre of young people well-equipped to decide their paths forward into the world beyond school. For this, it offers the best opportunities, practices, experiences and opinions. It provides excellent tools, programmes and platforms so that children make confident and informed choices.

Understanding the self

Empowerment through experience

Enabling Informed Choices


Grade IX

  • Explore
  • Students are made to start
    thinking about the future.
  • Aptitude tests,
  • Portfolio building
  • Sessions with experts

Grade X

  • Route Marking
  • subject feasibility studies
  • one-one sessions starts
  • sessions with experts
  • Parent Information Sessions

Grade XI

  • Reinforce
  • Exploring core stream for every student
  • Resume Building workshops
  • More intensive interactions with subject experts
  • Career Fairs
  • Mock Interviews
  • Research Skills to discover career paths
  • Work shadow/Internship

Grade XII

  • Take Off
  • We preparedness for College applications
  • Sessions for Statement of purpose writing
  • Interview Skills

Tie-up with International universities

The School has tied up with at least 5 of the world’s best universities of UK- Cambridge, Oxford, Kings College, London School of Economics and Bristol University to guide, coach and counsel our students and parents for admissions to these top ranked Universities.

  • For students aged 13 and above Courses would be Conducted by Counselors of the above universities in their campus in Summer – 2013
  • Support and administer University applications for present and past students in the country and abroad. This includes making transcripts, recommendations letters, predicted grades and the school profile.
  • Correspondence and follow-up with universities about our student applications
  • Developing and building relationships with university admission officers
  • Organize visits by university representatives
  • Up-to-date resources in the Department – library where students can research careers and university courses
  • Information and guidance relating to scholarships and bursaries available at universities
  • Facilitate IELTS and SAT English and Maths classes; a comprehensive process for internships and lot more.
  •  A work experience programme will be offered to Grade12 students in the final stage. They will be given individual support with their
  • University applications including help with UCAS application forms
  • Preparation for additional university entrance tests
  • Interview training and an SAT preparation course for those intending to go on to university in the USA.

We aim at achieving a high level of success each year in university applications with the great majority being admitted to their first choice courses at prestigious universities.