School Calendar 24-25

Important dates and events

4 day career counselling program organised

School in association with ICS (Institute of Career Studies)-Lucknow organized a 4-day career counseling program from 9th-12th July for students of grade IX-XII. ICS is a career counseling organization with an experience of over two decades in providing career guidance as well as conducting various educational and training programmes.
The program was aimed to foster the long term attainment level of students and to help in their smooth transition to senior secondary and post school education. The program covered various informative seminars for students and parents covering the information about subject linked career options; nation and worldwide campuses for higher education, career spectrum after senior secondary level and much more. Students of secondary and senior secondary level were individually counseled and recommended subject choices and in-depth career Information based on their aptitude and interest areas which were analyzed through psychometric test conducted for them.
The school in association with ICS has been conducting these workshops and counseling sessions from last 4 years to help students identify their aptitude, personality strengths, talents and interests and hence make informed choices at various levels of education.